Food Waste Intelligence | Leanpath Blog

Ideas for repurposing leafy greens

Written by Ben Murphy, Food Waste Prevention Chef | September 28, 2023

This post is part of a Leanpath culinary blog series looking at ideas for repurposing commonly overproduced menu items.

Leafy greens are a commonly wasted food item in many foodservice operations due to their delicate composition and short shelf life. Spoilage of leafy greens can often occur earlier than expected due to poor storage and so having a well-considered storage protocol along with a range of back up plans for repurposing can help keep your food waste of leafy greens to a minimum. Here are some creative ways to use leftover leafy greens:

Salads and Wraps: Incorporate leftover greens into salads or use them as a filling for wraps, sandwiches, or burritos. Combine them with other ingredients and dressings at the last minute to avoid wilting and maximize vibrancy and nutrition.

Soups and Stews: Add leafy greens like spinach, kale, or Swiss chard to soups and stews towards the end of cooking. They'll wilt down and provide extra nutrients and texture. Leafy greens provide an iron rich earthy flavor that compliments soups and stews that are on the sweeter side of the flavor spectrum. 

Smoothies: Blend leftover greens into smoothies for a nutritious kick. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are great additions to fruit-based smoothies.

Pesto, Salsa and Other Dips: Create by blending leftover greens with garlic, nuts, cheese (optional), olive oil, and lemon juice. Leafy greens can accompany herbs in your pestos, chermoulas, mojos or Salsa Verde to brighten the color, increase the yield and boost the flavor.

Fritatas, Tortillas, Tarts and Quiches: Wilted greens can be used in all of the aforementioned. They'll add a burst of color and flavor and cut through the richness of these heavier dishes.You can also incorporate wilted greens into omelets and scrambled eggs for added flavor and nutrition.

Stir-Fries and Sautéed Dishes: Toss leafy greens into stir-fries and sautéed vegetables. They cook quickly and provide a healthy addition to your dishes.

Pizza Toppings & Quesadilla Fillings: Add leftover greens as a pizza topping or as part of a quesadilla filling. They can be used fresh or sautéed with garlic or spices before being added.

Green Ice Cubes: If you have a surplus of greens, puree them with a bit of water or oil and freeze the mixture in ice cube trays or large blocks. These can then be popped into your smoothies or stews for a nutrient boost or a lift of color.

Kimchi or Fermented Greens: Experiment with fermenting leftover greens to create homemade kimchi or other ferments. Fermentation not only preserves them but also adds unique flavors and gut friendly bacteria.

Vegetable Chips: Transform leafy greens into healthier crispy snacks by baking or dehydrating them. Kale chips are a popular example.

Dips and Spreads: Blend greens with ingredients like yogurt, sour cream, or cream cheese to make flavorful dips and spreads. Indian style Mint and Coriander Chutneys can be made quickly by blitzing herbs, leafy greens, spices and yogurt together providing a vibrant green color and an amazing fresh flavor.

Herb Butter: Mix finely chopped greens into softened butter along with herbs and seasonings. This herb butter can be used to enhance the flavor of various dishes or to accompany breads at the table.

Remember to inspect and properly store your leftover greens to prevent spoilage. Ensure greens are well dried after washing. The speed at which they can be cooked means there are endless exciting ways to repurpose these greens on the fly, reducing waste and maximizing the use of ingredients in your foodservice operation. 

Check out the other posts in this blog series: