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How Leanpath won Sustainability Initiative of the Year

By Leanpath  ///  February 27, 2019

Food Matters Live caught up with Leanpath’s own Tom Mansel after we were awarded the group’s Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award.

Food Matters Live celebrates innovation in the global food system. Its Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award recognizes an organization that implements sustainable practices with a far-reaching impact. Leanpath took the gold for our work in scaling food waste prevention through measurement and data. Working with thousands of kitchens around the world, Leanpath prevents 1 pound of food waste every 3 seconds, 1 kilogram every 7 seconds, and has prevented over 28 million pounds of food waste since 2014 alone, that's over 12 million kilos.

Leanpath is proud to have been recognized throughout 2018 for our work in preventing food waste. Read more, here, here and here.

Topics: Food Waste Musings, Food Waste Prevention Newsletter