Food Waste Intelligence
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Paris-based VivaTech caught up with Leanpath and Sodexo for a VivaStory video. Sodexo is a signatory to UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, which sets a target of 50% reduction in food waste per capita by 2030. Over 8 years of partnership, Leanpath and Sodexo have developed the highly customized WasteWatch powered by Leanpath food waste prevention platform to help Sodexo reach their food waste prevention goals.
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) recently released a comprehensive report on the state of food loss and waste in Canada, Mexico and the United States developed through the CEC’s North American Initiative on Food Waste Reduction and Recovery. Characterization and Management of Food Loss and Waste in North America documents adverse socio-economic and environmental impacts of food loss and waste, and actions that the industrial, commercial, institutional, government and nongovernmental sectors can implement to mitigate ...
Many foodservice operations incorporate donating excess edible food into their food waste strategy and overall mission to do good. The US EPA food recovery hierarchy, which has long been a guiding resource for prioritization of food waste solutions, positions feeding hungry people just below source reduction for preferred approaches to food waste. And it seems like it’s hard to argue with the inherent “good” that comes along with feeding hungry people, right?
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Case Study
As the food waste movement continues to grow, more and more people around the world understand just how pressing the issue of wasted food is. From consumers, to foodservice managers, to chefs and beyond, everyone has a role to play in reducing food waste and loss along the supply chain.