Food Waste Intelligence
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A key to preventing food waste is preserving good food for as long as necessary, and freezing is obviously a great way to do this. Although freezing is fast and efficient, there are a few tips and tricks to ensure frozen food maintains its texture, taste, color and quality.
I couldn’t be happier to make this announcement: LeanPath has hired the world’s SECOND fulltime Food Waste Fighting Chef, Sam Evangelista. Yours truly was the first, something I’ll always be proud of. And trust me, with the size of the food waste problem, there’s room for two!
Canada has a $31 billion food waste problem, according to recent research. When you add in resources, energy, water and land, it tops $100 billion in waste that builds even more of an impetus to act. Chartwells, a sector of Compass Group, feeds over 1 million Canadian students each day, and hosted the Stop Food Waste Day campaign on campuses across the country today to ensure their guests and associates know how they can help put a dent in this $100 billion problem.
LeanPath had the pleasure of discussing food waste reduction at MassRecycle’s recent Recycling and Organics conference with a specific focus on source reduction at food service organizations. We partnered with Sean Canny, Boston College Dining Services’ Assistant General Manager, who described BC Dining’s learning journey regarding food waste prevention since partnering with LeanPath in 2014.
New research on behalf of Champions 12.3 finds there is a compelling business case for hotels to reduce the amount of food they throw away. For every $1 hotels invested in programs to reduce kitchen food waste, on average they saved $7 in operating costs. LeanPath contributed anonymized data on hotel food waste for the study. LeanPath CEO Andrew Shakman and VP of Food Waste Prevention Steve Finn served on the review committee for the report.