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Food Waste Intelligence

World at extreme risk of not hitting SDG Target 12.3 to halve food waste. Leanpath participates in summit to urge action.

World at extreme risk of not hitting SDG Target 12.3 to halve food waste. Leanpath participates in summit to urge action.

“Just six years remain to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals’ Target 12.3, which calls for halving food loss and waste worldwide by 2030. At this juncture, we fear that the uncomfortable truth is that SDG 12.3 is fast becoming out of reach.”


Report: food system emits more GHGs than any other economic sector

Report: food system emits more GHGs than any other economic sector

When all contributors are factored in–from land use to food waste–the food system contributes approximately 34 percent of global emissions. This surpasses electricity production and industry by approximately 10 percent each, making it the largest greenhouse gas emitting economic sector in the world.


SkyCity Auckland cuts food waste by nearly 50% in nine months with Leanpath

SkyCity Auckland cuts food waste by nearly 50% in nine months with Leanpath

SkyCity Auckland is a premier entertainment destination in New Zealand, with the country’s largest casino, 609 rooms across two hotels (with a third on the way), a 700-seat theater and an array of dining options.


United States releases national food waste strategy

United States releases national food waste strategy

Three United States federal agencies have released the National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics. In line with the recently released U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wasted Food Scale, the strategy prioritizes food waste prevention–stopping food waste from being created to begin with–which is the solution Leanpath provides to the foodservice industry.


5 Ways Operators Must Adapt to the New Food Waste Landscape

5 Ways Operators Must Adapt to the New Food Waste Landscape

Leanpath CEO and founder Andrew Shakman recently hosted a webinar on the future of food waste prevention and how operators must adapt to that changing landscape. “When we look to the future,” says Shakman, “we think that food waste action is going to be more required by law and integrated into everyday practice in the world's kitchens rather than being a special activity in an innovation context. It’s going to be the norm of how we think and work.” Here are 5 ways foodservice operations must adapt: