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Food Waste Intelligence

Ideas for repurposing overproduced and leftover carrots

Ideas for repurposing overproduced and leftover carrots

This post is part of a new series looking at ideas for repurposing commonly overproduced menu items. We see carrots going to waste often across the wide range of foodservice operators we work with at Leanpath, whether it be raw unprepared carrot that was not used for its primary purpose or raw or cooked carrot that was overproduced and then wasted. In both of the above circumstances, there are many actions teams can take to prevent waste of carrots by either preserving or repurposing. With a bit of foresight, whole surplus carrots tha...


Uniworld Sustainability Officer wins Future Lights Award for preventing food waste with Leanpath

Uniworld Sustainability Officer wins Future Lights Award for preventing food waste with Leanpath

The United States Tour Operators Association has awarded Uniworld Boutique River Cruise’s Sustainability Officer Julie Higgins its Future Lights Award for contributions to sustainability in the tourism industry. The organization highlighted Higgins’s “industry-leading efforts to reduce food waste” with Leanpath as her key achievement this year. As the association explained:


Ideas for repurposing overproduced mashed potatoes

Ideas for repurposing overproduced mashed potatoes

This post is part of a new series looking at ideas for repurposing commonly overproduced menu items. At Leanpath, we see a lot of potato waste across many of the foodservice organizations we work with. One of our largest customers recently recorded over 21,000kg of potato waste in one year. In many cases, food waste from low cost ingredients like potatoes and other starches or vegetables is considered low priority, but when labor and disposal fees are considered, there is a huge opportunity to cut costs and reduce environmental impact...


Listen to Leanpath CEO Andrew Shakman on the FoodTech Junkies podcast

Listen to Leanpath CEO Andrew Shakman on the FoodTech Junkies podcast

Leanpath CEO and Co-Founder Andrew Shakman sat down with Sharon Cittone for her FoodTech Junkies podcast, taking a dive into Leanpath's history, the state of the food waste movement and what Andrew sees as the road ahead. "We began on a journey to fight food waste in 2004, not knowing what that journey was going to look like and frankly how exciting it would be to see an entire movement build around that." Get a glimpse into the past and future of the food waste movement in foodservice in this 30-minute podcast here.


Food Waste and Climate Change: Making the Connection

Food Waste and Climate Change: Making the Connection

At Leanpath we have long recognized the connection between food waste and climate change. That critical connection is foundational to our mission of making food waste prevention and measurement everyday practice in the world’s kitchens. The food waste-climate connection has been amplified by many organizations. For example, the UNFAO famouslynoted years ago that if ranked as a country, food waste would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions behind the U.S. and China. The World Wildlife Fund recentlyfound that global ...