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With more than 420 stores in 52 markets worldwide IKEA is now two years into its ambitious program to reduce food waste in all the IKEA stores by 50% before end of August 2020. So far more than 1.4 million kilos of food have been saved since the program started, which is equivalent to more than 3 million meals (one meal equals 450 grams).
Read More >>Food Matters Live caught up with Leanpath’s own Tom Mansel after we were awarded the group’s Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award.
A recently released, UN-backed study discovered a 7:1 ROI for restaurant food waste initiatives and shatters the notion that the associated costs of food loss and waste can remain buried in operational budgets, accepted as the cost of doing business, or considered not worth the investment needed to achieve reductions.
In my years coaching chefs on how to prevent food waste, again and again I see three food items being wasted when they should have been repurposed. A lot of chefs just aren’t sure what to do with them. The big three are vegetable trim (broccoli stems, cauliflower cores, carrot peels, onions skins, etc.), fruits (whole and trim), and starches (rice, beans, potatoes, grains). It’s probably not a coincidence that none of these are high-priced proteins, which can sometimes be the only focus of a kitchen’s food waste prevention effort. To ...
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Food Waste Musings
At a Royal Society gala in London January 30, Leanpath received the 12th annual Rushlight Environmental Management Award, one of the evening’s overall prizes for the most significant innovation in sustainable technology among 28 category winners. Leanpath also won in the category of Sustainability Initiative for work in expanding food waste prevention globally.