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Food Waste Intelligence

New Study Links Healthy Diet, Food Waste and Climate Change

BP Lancet

How do we feed a growing population without destroying the planet? A comprehensive new report attempts to answer that question and in doing so draws a clear connection between feeding the globe a healthy diet and the imperative to reduce food waste.


Visualizing Food Waste Prevention


It can be hard to picture something that isn't there. And that's exactly what food waste prevention creates: food waste that is not there anymore. It's why prevention is such a powerful solution. Other options for dealing with food waste - like diversion to compost or donations - have their place, but they only deal with food waste after it is created, after you've incurred their cost, and after it's had substantial environmental impact. Using Leanpath's food waste data, we've created a visual to help you "see" prevention.


Leanpath 2018 Year In Review



Leanpath Wins Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award


Food Matters Live has recognized Leanpath with the Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award. Food Matters Live, hosted in London, brought in 800 leading organizations, 400 speakers, and thousands of visitors across a range of professions and disciplines, all with one goal: creating cross-sector connections focused on the future of food, drink and sustainable nutrition.


Video Case Study : Preventing Food Waste at Google

Google Case Study Screenshot

Leanpath is deployed in nearly 200 Google cafes in 21 countries. Since 2014 when we started working together, Leanpath has helped Google prevent 4 million pounds of food waste from going to the landfill. See how they’ve done it.