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Food Waste Intelligence

A low-waste grab-and-go program

A low-waste grab-and-go program

Whether you’ve already got an active grab-and-go program or are instituting or expanding a program, there are best practices to follow to ensure it’s as waste-free as possible.


Food storage best practices: How to extend the life of your food


Getting the longest life out of the food you purchase is always a concern in a food operation. It is essential to make sure that foods are stored properly to extend shelf life and avoid unnecessary waste and cut back on frequent orders and deliveries.


How healthcare foodservice is adapting

How healthcare foodservice is adapting

CBORD, an integrated technology provider, hosted a webinar focusing on the many challenges that COVID-19 poses for healthcare foodservice professionals. Panelists from Indiana University Health and Duke Raleigh Hospital shared stories and strategies they've implemented to keep their patients and teams safe and nourished amid this crisis. We've included our key takeaways from this valuable call and a link to the full webinar for you.


COVID-19 reminds us that foodservice is central to community and connection

COVID-19 reminds us that foodservice is central to community and connection

At Leanpath, tracking food waste on an hourly basis around the world, we’ve watched as COVID-19 has been felt across the global foodservice industry. As we’ve seen many operations forced to shut down abruptly, we’ve also seen an associated spike in food waste levels. We’ve had a unique vantage point from which to watch this set of adverse changes.


Using custom date ranges to track COVID-19 impacts on food waste

Using custom date ranges to track COVID-19 impacts on food waste

For some in the foodservice industry, part of the recovery from COVID-19 will involve filing insurance claims. Part of those claims may include coverage for food that had to be wasted as a result of the crisis. We wanted to give our clients a walk through on two ways to generate the relevant reports from your Leanpath data.